Friday, March 16, 2007

the day the world collapsed

well last monday i tried to get my new 320gb hard drive formatted. but my comptuer would not complie. then when i put it into my brothers it worked. so then i had another problem. what was in my comptuer that was making the format crash and not making windows crash. well the problem was my ram and motherboard would give erratic errors. eg if left on for more than 2 hours memtest 64 would find errors in the first 10sec but if the comptuer was left off for a couple of hours then turned on. then memtest 64 would not find any errors and windows would boot normally. so now i have brought a new motherboard and ram and had a bit of a scare trying to get the old cpu off the old motherboard and onto the new motherboad.
the problem was that after 3 years being together they did not want to come apart. so when i pulled off the heatsink the cpu came with it. right out of the slot :O:O:O. and it sould not come off with my finger nail betweenthe heat sink and cpu. so i had to use a screw driver flat heard to nudge it off. which worked :) only prob was the the cpu came off and fell 30cm onto some plastic pin's first :O. so i tried to put it into its slot but it would not fit because 1 pin was bent. so i had to carefully get the twisers out and with my hands shaking from all the scares bend the pin back. then it fited :).
i put the comptuer back together again and left the drives unconnected and booted up memtest to run when i was at work and it came up with 0 errors :) for 8+hours.
my next problem is formatting a drive with xp without the xp cd ;)
i'll find a way.

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