Read more via : Boingboing
(Thanks to Eric and Mark and Menarique)
Just in this topic it seems that trees that have been struck by lightning do not burn and also are very difficult to cut down as that are as hard as anything. this is because solids don't actually burn, its the gas that burns. seems the theory is that wood that has been struck has its volatitles evaporated from it so that there is nothing to burn from it. this is also a tree dies from the strick as there is no fluids giving their nutrience to the leaves.
thats what i got from Dr Karl
Won't the tree die without it's bark? I thought the bark was a vital organ.
the inside of the tree is dead wood, eg carbon storage.
the bark is how it transports the water to the leaves and energy back to the roots, thats how i grasp how a tree works.
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